Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Not Goodbye, but See You Later!

As I sit down to write this, my final blog post as High School Director at Vantage Career Center, I search for the correct words to show my true appreciation for everything this position has taught me.  Over these past three years, I have learned the number of decisions and amount of hard work it takes in order to plan and execute a successful school year.  I've also learned that no matter how much time we spend planning and all of the stones we turn over to make sure we're ready, something unexpected will ALWAYS pop up and show you that you can't plan for everything and just have to be ready for anything in the world of education.
I've also learned a great deal about support.  I have run into so many scenarios in this job which challenged me to look outside of my own base of knowledge for perspective.  There have literally been hundreds of people who have given me their most valuable resource (time) in order to help me find the best decision/outcome for Vantage and our students.  I have been blown away by people's willingness to help.  Whether it be Vantage teachers, administrators, and staff members, professionals at the Ohio Department of Education, local business professionals, or other administrators across the state of Ohio (even one or two from Indiana); there can't be enough said about the people who have helped teach me that our most effective method of accomplishing anything is to rely on each-other.  These people I have leaned on have all been wonderful resources, and taught me so much about planning, leadership, and the world of education.  It's no surprise that the vast majority of those people I mentioned chose to be professional educators (AKA teachers) at one point in their lives.
Teaching is in all of us.  We all desire to share our talents and gifts with others, and that shows in our willingness to help.  Of the hundreds of people I called for help in my time as Director, every single one of them either directly provided the information I needed or pointed me to another person who would be better suited to help with that specific question.  No one ever simply said "Sorry, can't help you Tony".  Everyone reading this (and every person in this world) has a unique skill-set and gifts they've been given by something greater than all of us, and I firmly believe all of us have a desire to impart those talents, so never be afraid to ask.  In short, I believe we all want to teach when called upon. 
Which brings me to the reason why this is my last post as HS Director at Vantage.  My passion is teaching, and working more closely day-to-day with our students.  I didn't always realize this.  In fact, I'd like to tell a quick story about how naive I once was.  After college, I was working in what really was a fun job.  However, I realized this was more of a job than a long-term career, so I started looking around for something I could see myself doing more long term.  I searched "sports marketing" and "sports management" in every job site you can think of, as well as looking into the potential of coaching college basketball somewhere.
I had been coaching junior high basketball at Kalida while working those first few years out of college, and absolutely loved it.  As you may know from reading this for the past few years, I've always been a huge sports fan, so I thought the sports industry was where I wanted to be long term.  As I looked into these avenues, we continued to have a great deal of success with the teams I was helping to coach, and I was having more and more fun working with those kids.  Around that same time, my dad asked me a question: "Have you ever thought about going back to school and teaching?"  That's when I gave one of the most uneducated (OK, it was dumb) responses I've ever given to any question.  I remember saying "Dad, I think I'm meant to do more than teach."  I didn't know why at the time, but my dad just kind of gave me a half-grin and said something to the effect of "OK, if you say so".
I thought he was being smug, but the way he responded got me thinking about the possibility of teaching.  Side note: my dad has a way of doing that...making me think about things and helping me open my mind to all avenues before making decisions.  Thanks Dad, and thanks for everything!  Happy Father's Day!
Anyway, if I'm being totally honest, I have to admit that one of my first thoughts was that maybe teaching could be my ticket to big-time coaching.  Maybe I could teach for a few years while coaching at the high school level and work my way up.  That happens all the time.  Several of the best college coaches got their start as HS teachers and coaches.  The more I thought about it, the more it made sense.  So I did it.  I quit that job and went back to school full-time in pursuit of a teaching license.
Toward the end of my (second) time at the University of Dayton, they asked everyone in the teaching program to list their top 3 choices to do our student teaching.  Living in Centerville and having a job at the mall working only 20-30 hours/week at the time, I of course requested the three closest schools to my apartment.  Instead, I was placed at Miami Valley Career Technical Center, which was roughly 40 miles (one way) from my apartment.  To say I was annoyed to have to make that drive and pay for that gas would be an understatement.
However, when I was Blessed with the opportunity to interview here at Vantage almost 10 years ago now, I knew that the placement I had been given couldn't have been more perfect (funny how things tend to work out if we let them).  As I began teaching here at Vantage, I also began coaching basketball at a local high school with a long-time friend who happened to also be a social studies teacher by trade.  It seemed like everything was falling into place and my plans were being set into action.  But then, something unexpected started to happen.  I started asking him more about his lesson plans than the practice plans.  We had amazing conversations about teaching and the ways we engage our students, and I learned a great deal about how enjoyable teaching can be from him (Thanks Josh!).  At the same time, the more I got to know the students that come through the doors here at Vantage, and the communities these students come from; the more I fell in love with the profession of teaching, and coaching took a backseat.
As teachers, we have the profound responsibility of not only teaching the standards which the state of Ohio sets for our chosen fields, but to do so in a way that sets an example of good ethics and positive attitudes for our students.  These behaviors which we model are vital, and I quickly fell in love with how much care and compassion the entire staff here at Vantage shows in building the relationships with our students to the point where they legitimately trust us to teach not only about our specific subject, but also about how to behave professionally.  That trust, which is also given to us by the parents of these young men and women who come through our doors each August, allows us to have a real effect that shows in their growth by the time they walk out those same doors each May.
That level of commitment around the building was why I applied for the Director position when it opened.  I wanted to be a part of ensuring that level of care continued to grow with full support from the administration, and I believe we have done that.  However, as I have continued to enjoy the challenges of working to ensure proper care is given to all 420+ students that show the courage to step outside of their "comfort zone" and choose Vantage each year; I have also continuously missed the day-to-day interactions, creating fun and engaging lessons, and individual impact felt in the classroom. 
"Dad, I'm meant to do more than teach."  Eight of the most regrettable words I'll ever say (one who is a fan of lame jokes/puns might say I eventually "eight" my words).  Teachers are some of the hardest working and dedicated people you'll ever meet.  They will fight for their students while holding them accountable for completing the work that is required of them.  This is never an easy feat, but it is one our teachers are up for each and every year.  As I said earlier, we are all teachers; but it takes a remarkable amount of talent, drive and patience to do it professionally! 
The fact is, as an administrator, I've learned that this school (or any organization) would not be a success without every single staff member pulling their proverbial weight.  The building could not function properly without our top-notch maintenance staff.  Our tech department provides and shows us how to use the tools we need to teach our students in a world that is becoming more and more reliant on technology and automation.  Aides provide invaluable help to all of our students throughout the school year.  Administrative assistants provide information and are the frontline to answer questions when unexpected events arise.  I could literally go on and on.
My point is, I've learned we're all meant to do what makes us happy and where we feel we are making the biggest difference we possibly can.  There's no such thing as being meant to do "more than" any job/career.  It doesn't matter how much money you make, or what your title is; if you're making a positive difference (and we all have the opportunity to do that in ANY job with a smile and optimistic mindset), that's all that matters.
I now know that I am meant to be a teacher, and I could not be more proud to re-join the ranks of a group of people who have a profound impact on the future of our kids.  It may have been a winding path with a few detours along the way, but I'm glad I found my way back and couldn't be more excited to see where it goes in the future.  I look forward to going back into the classroom here at Vantage when the time becomes right, under the leadership of our administrative team and Mr. Mike Knott (who will be taking over this role as of July 1).  While I talk about being meant to be a teacher, Mr. Knott is a former teacher who is meant to lead this school.  He will continue to push Vantage, our staff, students, and communities in a great direction while maintaining the winning culture that has been building here since long before my time began as Director. 
Thank you all again for taking the time to read and get to know everything that Vantage is about. 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Preparation and Professionalism..that's Vantage

Good afternoon everyone!  What a crazy month and a half we've had here at Vantage.  Weather cancellations seem to have become more of the rule than the exception, so we've had a very "broken" schedule.  This much starting and stopping can be a real challenge for teachers as they try to get students through all of the necessary content, not to mention prepping for tests and working around other scheduling conflicts that were already built in.  For teachers in a career tech building like ours, those challenges multiply even more.  This time of year is also prime time for Career Technical Student Organizations like SkillsUSA, Business Professionals of America FCCLA, and HOSA to hold their annual competitions which test the knowledge and skills our students have gained in their labs here.
As always, though, our teachers have done so much more than just taking it in stride.  As an example, today we are having our Mock Interview Day for all of our seniors.  Each senior has had (or will still have) the opportunity to sit down for a 30 minute interview session with a professional from their chosen field.  These local business professionals have already been commenting on how great this experience is, both for them (and their businesses) and our students.
Our students have shown up dressed professionally, with confident smiles, and an aura of "I'm going to knock this out of the park" (baseball season is right around the corner, despite what the weather might be trying to convince us).  As students have left the building, they have also remarked about the insight and tips they've received today in their interview sessions, as well as throughout their nearly 2 years here at Vantage.  I firmly believe this is a direct reflection not only on our students willingness to prepare, but on our staff's constant efforts to help our students learn the ins and outs of professionalism.  This level of confidence they've gained in themselves is the reason all of us have entered the realm of educating students.  This is what I see as the #vantagewill. 
My point in this post is simply that our teachers and staff here at Vantage are truly a wonderful group of people who are willing to navigate whichever obstacles may pop up throughout the course of a school year in order to improve our kids and prepare them for the world of employment.  Today has been a great testament to that dedication, and I am once again as thankful as I possibly could be to work here.
All of us at Vantage are also extremely grateful to our local business professionals who were willing to volunteer their time today to help almost 200 seniors hone their interview skills and improve their chances of landing the jobs they came to Vantage to pursue.  It truly has been an all around amazing effort.  Finally, a special nod of thanks must go out to Mrs. Mary Ann Falk and our English Department here at Vantage.  Mary Ann has been the catalyst and organizer of this event since the idea was first presented almost 3 years ago, and our English teachers have helped our students develop outstanding resume's and other professional documents in advance of their interviews.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this.  If you're a local business professional who would like to be a part of Mock Interview Day in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me.  Have a great rest of your week!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Advice to Your High School Self

Good day everyone.  I'm hoping the day finds you doing well and still feeling the positive effects of an amazing Christmas/Holiday season!  As I write to you today, I am inspired by something Mrs. Miriam Owens (our Public Relations Coordinator) and Ms. Annette Klinger (one of our aides and a jack of all trades) have put together for our students here at Vantage.  If you walk down the main hallway to our community room and commons area over the next few weeks, you might see a display case covered with "Advice to Your High School Self" from several of our staff members here.  Much of this advice is something I can look back on and tell you I would have truly appreciated back in high school.
Some of the advice was simple, yet extremely relevant, like Mrs. Lippi (our Tech Coordinator) emploring all to "Be persistent" and "Know you have a purpose".  Another that was simple, but very helpful, was our Physics teacher Mr. Matt Miller letting us know that "You will fall in love more than once" in life.  Had my high school self learned that 17 years ago, I probably could have replaced a lot of heartache (and gotten a bit more sleep).  I could have appreciated great times from those relationships lost, and understood that I could (and would) use the "failures" from those relationships to help me in future ones (and now "the one").  My wife and I met almost exactly 10 years ago now, and while she and I both can agree I'm far from perfect, I now know that part of the reason I'm at least a decent husband is the fact that I have figured out what didn't work (and what I wanted to avoid) from past relationships and applied it to this one.  I couldn't be more thankful for that, because I love my wife, my kids, and all of the joy they bring to my life every single day.  I hope our students will take this advice from Mr. Miller and use it for comfort in times they may need it moving forward.  Excellent advice, Mr. Miller!
We also had two staff members talk about the importance of surrounding yourself with positive people.  Mrs. VanTilburg and Mrs. DeWert could not have said it any better.  You are, in some ways, a reflection of those you choose to surround yourself with.  If you seek and spend time with positive people, I'd imagine you'd have a pretty tough time keeping a negative mindset.  If you've ever read this blog in the past, you know how important I believe it is to keep a positive mindset.  As Mrs. DeWert and Mrs. VanTilburg take note in their advice, that mindset can start by simply hanging out with the right type of people.  As Mrs. DeWert also points out, it may not be as easy as we'd hope to avoid negativity and negative people in our lives, but there is always a way and you will thank youself for finding it!  For example, there are dozens and dozens of positive people here at Vantage.  If you're having trouble finding positivity in your life, just walk to the nearest classroom or office at Vantage...I personally guarantee you'll find it.
There is so much fantastic advice on this board, and I challenge all of our students to take a minute or two and read it over the next few weeks.  You'll find some very interesting insight into the mind-set (and experiences) of your teachers and staff members.  As teachers, we often joke that our students sometimes think we just live at school and have been teachers our entire lives.  Reading this board will prove that we were all kids once, too, and faced many of the same (or at least very similar) struggles as our students are currently facing.  As Ms. Heckler, one of our Intervention Specialists points out so well, "Find those teachers, get to know them, and take their advice.  Some teachers have struggled more than you think."
To prove that we were all once in your shoes, I'll share a few more of those that stood out to me.  Mrs. Smith, our Senior Cosmetology Instructor, shared this advice to her High School self: "Believe I can do whatever I set out to.  The only person or thing stopping me is myself."  Mrs. Thomas, another of our awesome group of Science Teachers encourages to "Remember the times you were brave...the time you stayed seated at the cafeteria table when "that girl" sat down and everyone else left because they thought she was weird."  That's fantastic, and something echoed by Mr. Fisher, our School Counselor's claim that "Strangers are just good friends you haven't met yet".
Give people a chance, and they will almost always surprise you.  Our Student Services Supervisor Mr. Knott believes that includes yourself, as he encouraged his high-school self to understand that the confidence to talk to others and ask questions will take you a long way in life.  He's a living testament to that.  In that same vain, know that your teachers will be there to answer those questions.  As Mr. Villena, our Auto Collision instructor points out, "Those teachers will be there for you your whole life."
Finally, I'll share the advice from Mrs. Dirksen, our Adult Education Lead Coordinator.  I couldn't agree with her more when she told herself "Your peers won't remember how smart you are or how popular you are; they will remember how you treated them."  This, to me, goes hand-in-hand with the advice I would give to my High School self.  I told myself to comprehend the fact that, no matter what, in 20 years you'll laugh at the way you looked and some of the things you believed in high school.  My daily outfit of Tommy Hilfiger carpenter jeans, a shirt that was at least two sizes too big, and bleached blonde hair should give you enough of an idea of how right I am on this one.  My point is, we will all make mistakes in high school, and many of those mistakes can (and will) help us become better people.
My challenge to our students, and anyone reading this, is to think about this advice and try your very best to apply it.  Start today!  Identify one of the "small things" you've likely been way too worried about, and think about how you can move past it and become a better person from it.  My second challenge is simple.  If anyone reading this has advice that you believe can help our current high school students gain the perspective you wish you had in H.S., please feel free to post it on social media with the #vantagewill.
Thank you to Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Klinger, and all of our staff members who took the time to share their perspective with our students.  Thank you all for taking the time to read this, and have an amazing 2019!!! 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How We Respond

"We can't control what happens to us.  What we can control is how we respond!" There are all kinds of sayings like this.  Most times, no one really knows where they come from, but almost everyone has heard them.  I'm sure we have all heard the words above in one way or another thoughout our lives.  I know I have, and I've had that conversation with dozens of current and former students over my nine years here at Vantage.  Though many have probably never really thought about the meaning of that phrase, it is one I try to live by every second of every day.  Take a minute to think about how many opportunities you get each day to respond in a positive way...

OK, I'm willing to bet you've left out a couple hundred.  You might wonder how that's possible...Well, let me give you a few examples.  When my alarm went off early this morning, I had an opportunity to wake up in a bad mood, or get my day started with a smile (do your best to consciously start every morning with a smile).  Then, I had a choice of whether or not to brush my teeth (in case my wife is reading, of course I chose to do just always).  Next, I had to choose how to wake up each of our three beautiful kiddos (three more decisions).  Do I go in and try to rush them out of bed, nagging about how we can't be late again?  Or do I run in and sing/act silly and try to make sure their days start with a smile, the same way my parents used to for me almost every morning?  It obviously had a lasting effect on me, so I always TRY to choose the latter.  As any parents out there will tell you; happy kids usually equal happy parents.  It doesn't always work, and this morning was no exception.  Our son Trey wasn't exactly in a glorious mood.  He's a lot like his dad and would really prefer to sleep in like he had for his entire Thanksgiving break.  However, that was another chance to tell him about the fact that he was going to get to see all of his buddies and teachers today at pre-school.  While that helped him get a little more excited, I'd be lying if I said that totally changed his tune.  He was still a bit grouchy, but with each gruff reaction came another try at changing his attitude.  My point is, we were 20 minutes into our day and I can count a couple dozen chances I had to respond.

At Vantage, our teachers and staff members all embrace these opportunities as well.  As I've said before and will likely say a few thousand more times, this is a great place to be.  Another reason for that is because our staff understands how important positive reinforcement and reactions are.  We may not be able to turn every student's "tough day" into a great one with each smile or word of encouragement, but that doesn't mean we'll stop trying.  While I can honestly say ALL of our staff members try to brighten our students moods at every corner, two of our teachers who really exemplify this attitude are our Junior English teachers Mrs. Ratliff-Dotterer and Mrs. Yenser-Hammon.  Whether you've been a student of theirs or not, you likely know you won't get too far past their rooms with a gloomy look on your face.  Sometimes, students just can't help but smile at whatever decorations they have on/around the entrances to their rooms at the time.  Other times, they'll stop and ask a student (or staff member) if everything's OK and just start a conversation which eventually leads to at least a grin.  And still there are other times when the two will team up and recite lines from a book, poem, or even a movie they know.  Even if the student doesn't find it funny at first, these two will stick with it until he or she can't help but laugh along with them.  "Mrs. Rat-Dot" and "Mrs. Y" could easily choose to just let the student go on with their day and know that eventually things would probably get better, but they choose to try to be part of the solution.  When they see the possibility, they respond.  I can tell you there are countless current and former students who will never stop appreciating that!  That's just one example from one small portion of our building of the ways in which our teachers try to help form good and healthy responses to the potentially challenging experiences our students face at times in their lives.  This shows by the number of siblings and (for our more experienced staff members) children of former students we see enroll and attend each and every year.

That's not to say there won't be some tough learning experiences along the way, though.  A huge part of our job is helping our students grow and learn from the times when they may not respond so positively to the challenges in front of them.  I always use the speeding ticket analogy.  I may not like the fact that my driving got me pulled over and earned me a speeding ticket.  However, I can appreciate that the lessons I've learned from paying those fines will save me money in the future, and has potentially saved lives in the process.  The same goes for our students.  Though students may not immediately appreciate things like make-up work and points lost if they miss too much school, our goal is to help them understand and eventually embrace the fact that those consequences may help them respond in ways that help them keep great jobs in the future.  Every experience can be a learning experience.  We have hundreds of chances to react each day to what life throws at us.  While none of us is perfect, and we are bound to make mistakes in the way we handle things from time to time, it's important to remember even the reactions we may wish we could take back are helping us inform our future decisions.  Maybe that's where the saying "No regrets" came from? 

Hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving and are getting as excited as I am for Christmas and the holiday season!  Thank you for your time!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Colder Weather

Well, fall has officially been here for almost 3 weeks, but the real fall weather seems to be on the way by this Thursday.  To some, the crisp air will be a welcome change from the humidity and heat that seemed to be constantly around for the past 4 months or so.  Others, though, will undoubtedly be wishing for just one more day to enjoy the pool, lake, pond, or amazing splash pad over at Franklin Park (or wherever their favorite spot might be).  I'll give you one guess as to which of those two realms I "fall" into.
The Zac Brown Band has a great song about "Colder Weather".  One of the lines simply says "I wanna see you again...but I'm stuck in colder weather".  At Vantage, it seems to be kind of the opposite sentiment.  As the weather gets colder, we start to see more and more of our recent graduates again.  Whether it be from their first tours of duty in the military (Thank You all for your service!), or on quarter break from college, or even on a rare day off from their new careers; we begin welcoming more and more into the building every year around this time (we prefer a call ahead, or for these visits to be before or after school, just to make sure these students can spend more quality time with the teachers they know and love). 
When these young men and women come back, it's such an awesome opportunity to catch up.  Mrs. Ellis and I are usually fortunate to be the first to welcome them back as they check in at the front office.  I truly enjoy hearing about how each is doing, where they are working, and what they've been up to since graduation.  Many times, the conversation brings up how Vantage has helped them in their current career, and sometimes they'll even share appreciation for the fact that Vantage was where they met the person they're spending the rest of their lives with.  Either way, we truly appreciate the opportunity to hear their stories and learn from them (trust me, we almost always learn something great). 
These visits are also a perfect reinforcement for our current students to see that what they are doing can (and will) pay off if they keep following the correct path.  Inevitably, when these graduates come back and talk to their former teachers, their successes will get back to the current students and can help provide motivation.  For example, a recent graduate stopped in a few weeks back driving his BRAND NEW vehicle (I won't mention the make and model, so as to not give this person's identity away, but it was a very nice vehicle), and several of our students noticed and asked about it.  It was a perfect opportunity to share how this particular student had just recently graduated from Vantage, and was using the exact skills he had learned from his program to earn the wage that helped pay for that car.  That's just one example of many where current students recognize the successes of former students.  Those little reminders of why students are here can provide a lot of motivation to continue pushing through the challenges they're sure to face while learning their trade and finishing high school.  It may seem small, but every positive example is another reason to keep working hard.
So, to ALL Vantage graduates, please continue sharing your successes.  Our current and future students will continue to benefit from every single one!  If you're a "not-so recent" graduate and would like to come back and see how much our building has changed over the years, please give us a call!  If you're a more recent graduate, please still give us a call and set up a time to come back and share what you've been doing!  And if you'd just like to share what the #vantagewill has done to positively impact your life, please continue to do so on whichever form of social media you might prefer.  As the colder weather approaches, these triumphs and accomplishments (from former and current students) will help provide the warmth we all need from time to time. 

Friday, September 14, 2018


Fog...some students love it, some hate it.  As an administrator at a career center (one of the top career centers in the state according to the 2018 report card data, mind you), I can tell you it makes life more difficult some mornings in the late summer/early fall.  I'm also trying to remember how I felt about it when I was a kid, but my memories are a bit hazy (sorry, couldn't resist).  Anyway, with all of the fog clouding things up over the past week, it got me thinking about the "fog" many students see when starting to look toward their future after high school. 
It's one of the aspects I LOVE about being at Vantage.  Career Technical education has a unique place in our education system.  Many of our students have rolled right through that fog and know exactly where they are heading.  That's why they chose to come to us.  It's such a rewarding feeling to talk with students in Ag who have wanted to work on tractors since they were kids on their family farm, or those that just love computers and couldn't be more excited to gain certifications and learn more about how they are connected in Network Systems (or how to use them to create AMAZING projects in Interactive Media).  More recently, we've also had students who just know they want to be in law enforcement or the military.  I literally saw/heard sophomores at several home-schools applaud when Mr. Knott introduced Criminal Justice as a new program a few years back.  All of our programs have amazing and fun instructors leading several students who just know that's exactly what they want to do in life.  Those students are a huge part of why career technical education is such a valuable tool across America. 
However, just as the fog can sometimes come rolling back into an area where we thought it had lifted, many students still experience a bit of haze after they get to Vantage because they still just aren't quite sure what they want to do when they graduate, so they want to learn more about the program they've chosen.  This is natural, and Mr. Fisher and Mrs. McConahay (our school counselors) are two of the best in the business at helping kids increase their visibility on the road to their life after high school.  One of the other great advantages of career technical programs, though, is that students can get a great deal of information on so many different career options before even thinking about higher education.  You might wonder why that's so important to students and their families.  To explain, I'll share a quick story.
When I was a kid, I dreamed of being a sports broadcaster (OK, I dreamed of being a star basketball player first, but realized somewhat early in my junior high career that I was much more likely to have the talent of a professional "caller" than a "baller").  Anyway, I got through high school at Kalida and decided to go into broadcasting at the University of Dayton (Go Flyers).  I went through 2 years (which, as you can imagine, were not free) before a mass media teacher showed us a video on what the "ins and outs" of broadcasting really entailed.  After that video, I immediately went to my advisor and switched my major to communications management.  Eventually, I decided to go back again and get my teaching license, and it was quite obviously the best decision I've ever made. 
Anyway, my point in sharing that story is that it took me two years of college tuition to realize I wasn't really as passionate about broadcasting as I thought I was in high school.  Talk about a major fog delay, right!?  Now, I'm certainly not out here advocating against students going to college and furthering their education after high school.  Quite the opposite, actually, as every program at Vantage offers and encourages connections and opportunities for further learning or training.  We wouldn't be able to survive without it, and I know I wouldn't be the person and educator I am without my college experiences.  What Vantage and career technical education in general does is allow high school students the opportunity to learn a great deal about multiple career fields, and get the hands-on training it would take to succeed in those fields.  This simply gives these students the opportunity to be more informed and prepared to make the right decision about their plans after high school, whether it be higher education or the work-force.  That feels like a win-win-win for schools, families, and students.  You see, one way or another, at Vantage and career technical education; we are going to do whatever it takes to help our students navigate safely through any fog they might encounter on their way to a great career.   Thank you all very much for your time, and have a great weekend!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Win the Day

There is a sign in one of the work-rooms here at Vantage that says (I'm paraphrasing) "No matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day.  Move forward and take advantage of your new opportunity."  That sign comes in handy from time to time when a day doesn't go as I may have hoped or expected.  Heck, it's the main reason I continue to watch my Cincinnati Reds almost every game.  While their record might not be the greatest this season, they haven't given up (just ask the Chicago Cubs and Detroit Tigers), so why should I?  Each day is another chance to "win".  No one will "win" every day, but it's a lot more fun for everyone if we try! 
Whether it be a workday where it just seemed like nothing went right, or a challenging night at home with the kids, we've all had our fair share of tough days.  I know what you're could a house with a 3 year old, 2 year old, and 4 month old ever have challenging nights!?  And you're absolutely right.  I enjoy EVERY night at home with my wife and kids.  However, as I'm sure most parents can attest, some of the nights just present slightly different attitudes and situations from time to time.  For example, you might imagine that a 3 year old and a 2 year old might have their difficulties getting along.  And again, you'd be imagining correctly.  However, there are a lot of times when they do get along.  As a parent, those times are SOOO rewarding.  They make me feel like I'm doing something right as a dad (speaking of which, a very Happy belated Father's Day to my dad and all of the dads who have helped us all every step of the way!). 
When my kids are getting along, my wife and I often will even say things like "Look how well they are sharing!" or "I love listening to them run and laugh together!"  Those proud moments might even allow us to "relax" a little bit and give some much deserved attention to our 4 month old.  As we're quickly finding out, though, relaxation in those moments can often lead to those "How did this happen?" moments shortly thereafter.  Like when you find a pile of a sparkly substance on the floor of the pantry and two of the sweetest little kids in the world pop their glittering/sticky faces in just as you've found the mess to say "We found the sugar!" (in the cutest voice ever, mind you).  You can't help but laugh as you think about the new mess that's certain to be tough to clean up.  Anyway, I digress.  The point is, sometimes we have days/nights where those little messes and accidents happen seemingly over and over again.  After a few of them, it can become frustrating and we start to think about other "messes" we might be looking at in our future, or what we could or should have done to prevent them.  To a point, this type of reflection can be a good thing! 
I try not to focus on the messes, though.  I try to focus on not only the lesson my wife and I can hopefully teach our kids about being more careful and "Never going into the pantry without asking mom or dad"; but also on the positives to take away from the situation, like the fact that our kids played and laughed together for a half-hour without fighting, or that they ran to the broom closet as soon as they heard us say the words "clean up" (they may not have helped much, but the thought was there).
You have to find the good things in life.  They're not always going to jump out and introduce themselves to you, but they are always there.  The challenges are there to make us stronger and help us appreciate the good times even more.  With just under 2 months before our students return, I hope the Vantage classes of 2019 and 2020 are getting more and more excited about the challenges and opportunities that await them starting August 20.  These students will come to us from many diverse backgrounds, and will have all faced very different obstacles along their paths to Vantage.  Considering the amazing track records of each of our home-schools in helping students navigate these paths, I'm certain our new students will come prepared to treat each day as the new day it is, and our staff definitely looks forward to helping them take advantage of every opportunity! 
Vantage will focus on the assets that make each of our students unique, while building on the lessons we'll learn together to enhance skills and prepare you for success.  While each of us may not "Win" every single day (like the Reds have been recently...again, sorry to all Tigers and Cubs fans reading), I sure do look forward to trying with our new group of young people!  Have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July (be sure to say a big Thank You to all active duty military, veterans, and their families for the freedoms they've earned for us), and have a FUNomenal rest of the summer.  See you in August!