Thursday, March 15, 2018

March Gladness

Well, it's that time of year again.  One of my favorites.  Everyone is preparing and filling out that all important paper that's going to help them have a great weekend...yes, it's the end of the 3rd quarter here at Vantage Career Center.  Wait, did you think I was talking about the NCAA Tournament and the brackets!?  I DO love watching the drama of the NCAA basketball tournament with my friends every year, but here at Vantage we've got a lot of reason to believe this season is March Gladness. 
For example, we've got two wonderful people who are about to embark on new and amazing opportunities in their lives.  Mr. Pete Prichard, who has been at Vantage for roughly 18 years in Adult Education (10 of which were spent as Director) will be moving on to a great opportunity to continue working with young people and help them find their path to education through Northwest State.  I just hope Pete knows that he will be missed, and I appreciate the time and effort he's put into helping make career technical education what it is (not only in the Van Wert area, but around the state).  Thank you, Pete.  And good luck!
Next, Mrs. MaryJo Wilhelm will be beginning her journey into retirement this July.  Rather than count all of the ways I am thankful for MaryJo's help over the years (I would literally be here for hours), I will direct you to Mr. Fisher's blog which sums up what she has meant to our district for many years.  Even though I joke with MaryJo that she needs to stay for a few (12 or so) more years, I know that I will personally miss her caring and understanding way of interacting with each and every person she comes in contact with, as well as her unflappable patience and will to plan for then push through any obstacle that might be thrown in her way (like rain on Student Appreciation Day, or bad weather on picture day).  Mrs. Wilhelm and her ever-present smile have been one of the brightest of the bright spots Vantage has ever had (and again, there are millions of them!).  Mr. Fisher's post is linked below.   If you haven't had the chance to read it, please take the time to do so.  It is extremely well-written and you will not be disappointed (you may even shed a tear). 
Not only do we have staff members beginning new journeys, but our Seniors are also getting closer to graduation and the next chapter of their lives.  Very few of them are willing to admit that they have less than 45 days left in their High School careers.  Some are excited...some are nervous...but ALL of them will be ready!  And part of how I know that fact is because we have such a fantastic community of supporters, teachers, administrators, and employers who are willing to put in what it takes to get them ready.
Proof of that can be seen when you see the response we got for our Senior Mock Interview day on March 1st.  On the day where our Juniors were required (by state law) to take the ACT test, all Vantage seniors were required to come in and participate in a mock interview with an employer or professional from their chosen career field.  We had over 30 local interviewers, as well as our entire staff, chip in to make the day perfect.  Our Seniors had the opportunity to get honest and immediate feedback on their interview skills from some of the professionals who may end up interviewing them "for real" in just a few months.  Several of the interviewers have even asked for permission to contact a few of the students they had for mock interviews about the potential of coming in for the real thing over the next few weeks.  That's what career tech is all about!  Those interviewers deserve our greatest Thanks and appreciation, as does our entire English department (for helping students create cover letters, resume's, etc) and Mrs. Mary Ann Falk (for basically organizing the entire event).  If you think this is an awesome opportunity (you're right) and would like to know how your company can participate next year, please don't hesitate to give me a call or e-mail. 
So, even though my alma-mater (the Dayton Flyers) missed out on "March Madness" this year (Ohio State DID make it in...GO BUCKS), the reasons I have to feel the March Gladness are too numerous to count!  Our students, staff, and community have once again proven they have the #vantagewill! 
Thank you all for your time and support.