Meet Mr. Unverferth

Good day (all of them are good days!) everyone.  My name is Tony Unverferth, and I'm the new Director here at Vantage Career Center.   In the six years I spent in the classroom as a Military History and Government teacher here; I learned a great deal about the students, staff, and communities associated with our great school.  That is precisely why I feel so Blessed and excited to have the opportunity I have been given as the Director.  Because of people like you, our area is (and will continue to be) a wonderful place to work, live, and raise a family.
Speaking of which, my wife Erica and I are in the early stages of enjoying our kids and learning how to raise them together.  Our son Trey was born on March 3, 2015 (3/3...that's partly why his name is Trey) and our daughter Kinley was born on April 20, 2016 (no great story behind her name other than the fact that we loved it).  Erica and I are always trying to teach our kids about the sports, outdoor activities, and positive beliefs that we've always known and loved in our lives.  Our kids are truly the light of our lives, and they remind us of what happiness is all about every single day.  Some may know of my wife Erica as Dr. Unverferth, one of the amazing crew of local dentists based here in Van Wert, Ohio.  She loves her job almost as much as I love mine.
Finally, as fair warning to all, I am a sports lover and may reference any and all sports in many of my entries.  I'm a huge fan of Ohio State and San Francisco 49ers football, as well as Dayton Flyer and Cleveland Cavalier basketball, along with Cincinnati Reds baseball and all local sports that involve Vantage students.  With that in mind, I will apologize in advance for the multiple sports references and metaphors you may be subject to while reading this blog.
Please always feel free to call or e-mail me with any comments, questions, or concerns you may have.  I'm always here to help.  I hope you enjoy the insights and positive updates I'll have throughout the year on our building, staff, and students.  Thank you for your time, and make it a great day!