Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Seniors...Countdown?! Yes...Countdown to more amazing accomplishments!

A few weeks ago, Vantage Career Center inducted our 3 newest members to the High School Hall of Fame.  Mr. Anthony Nighswander, Mr. Jeff Schulte, and Mr. Shawn Herr all joined a group that is now nine strong and consists of some of the best and brightest in the 41 year history of our school.  These three men have earned every accolade through their devotion to their careers, communities, and the students of Vantage (past, present, and future) for years since their graduations. 
I would like to personally congratulate and thank all three of these new inductees for everything they have done (and will undoubtedly continue to do) for us here at Vantage.  It takes a special person to dedicate him/herself to their passion, and it takes an even more special person to continue to do so long after they no longer need to.  That is my challenge for our Seniors who are now less than one month from graduation.  Despite the myth of "Senioritis", I know our young men and women will complete their high school careers strong and show the #vantagewill to finish!  They've already demonstrated a willingness to help and lead in efforts to strengthen our local communities through volunteer efforts like Toss-a-Toy, Christmas in Kalida, Day of Caring, Relay for Life, Bloodmobile, and countless other fundraising efforts through their labs and clubs like Interact, Student Ambassadors, and National Technical Honor Society.  In all, this senior class has helped raise over $20,000 for our local communities and charities.  Not to mention the hundreds of hours of their time donated to these causes.  They've responded to every challenge we've given them.
Now I'm asking them to consider one more: be willing to come back and "pay-it-forward" to future Vantage students and our communities.  For example, 2017 graduate Cooper Clouse (Precision Machining from Parkway High School) will be coming back this summer to help us run our first annual Vantage Summer Camp.  The camp is designed to show 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from all of our local communities what Vantage is all about, and what can be accomplished in our labs.  It truly is an awesome opportunity, and it wouldn't be possible without local business supporters, our staff, and Vantage alumni like Cooper. 
Even if you can't volunteer a lot of time, don't be afraid to call or stop in and see how things are going.  Keep us updated on what you've been up to, and where you're working.  We truly do care, and often those conversations will lead us to new ways to improve our programs based on the knowledge built through your experiences in the workplace.  Every bit of information you share can help a future student.  Oh, and just because you graduate, that doesn't stop us from being teachers!  Chances are, we might still be able to help you find resources and continue to learn long after you walk out of our doors as a "Vantage alumnus".  And there's 100% chance we will always love to do anything we can to assist. 
Seniors...I know none of you are counting down, so I'll let you know there are officially 18 days left in your careers as a Vantage student.  There are also thousands of days and millions of ways you'll continue to be part of the Vantage family!  Let's enjoy the rest of the school year.  Thank you all for your time, and have a great week!  I'll be back in a few weeks to talk about more of the great things our students are accomplishing through the end of the school year.

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