Friday, May 11, 2018

Mother's Day

As May 13 approaches, I hope everyone has a game-plan in place for how they are going to show appreciation to their Moms for all of the wonderful things they provide for our lives.  Whether it be taking her out to dinner, buying a special gift, flowers, spending some quality time, or a combination of all those things; please make sure to let your mom know how important she's been in making you the person you are this weekend!
I know I wouldn't be anywhere near who I am today without my mom (love you, mom!).  She's one of the strongest people you'll ever meet, while also being selfless and caring to the point where I used to wonder how she ever sticks up for herself.  Then, I realized that my mom shows her strength through the ways she cares for others.  She doesn't need to "put her foot down" to get her way.  She gets everything she needs through what she does for everyone around her.  Whether they appreciate it as much as they should all of the time doesn't really matter to her.
That's not to say she couldn't be strict when she needed to be.  In fact, some of her favorite stories to tell stem from incidents that earned me a lot of time in the corner as a child.  She always tells people that I spent more time in the corner than the rest of my four siblings combined, and I don't doubt that one bit.  However, when she disciplined us, she was also always quick to explain WHY she had to do what she did and help us understand why whatever we had done was wrong.  She also helped us understand what we could do better the next time.  My brother, sisters, and I have discussed many times how much we appreciate the way our mom dealt with us growing up.  It's been a huge influence on pushing us down a good path and making positive choices.   
When we do the right things, and make the correct decisions in life, I know THAT'S what gives my mom fulfillment.  She truly loves her kids (and now grandkids), and it shows.  I don't think I've ever heard my mom "brag" about anything she's personally done (even though she has a lot she could brag about).  However, she definitely likes to share her kids' and grandkids' successes, and always asks the right questions to keep us talking about the accomplishments we're proud of.  For example, when I tell my parents (which happens a lot) about something great our students are doing (like Mock Interviews, Welding projects, building roller coasters in Mr. Joyce's class, or earning all kinds of credentials); she may not always understand exactly what I'm talking about, but she ALWAYS finds a way to ask a question that leads me to explain how it will help them later in life or why they are completing a certain task.  That way she can more accurately share our stories with our extended family and friends.
Thank you, Mom, for always being an amazing person.  No matter what's going on around you, you've always been (and will continue to be) a steady and positive rock for all of us to lean on!
I would also be remiss if I didn't mention my wife, Erica.  Both of us dreamed and wondered what it would be like to have kids for years before that dream finally came true when our son Trey was born March 3rd, 2015.  Since then, we've had over three years (and two beautiful little girls) learning how to be parents together.  I can't tell you how much easier she's made my learning transition, though.  When it comes to parenting while she's not home; sometimes I feel like the student who works REALLY hard, does the homework, and studies for the test; yet still can't find a way to get better than a C.  Erica, on the other hand, Aces every test and makes it look easy.  She just knows what to do, and how to care for our kids in such an inspiring way.  She's definitely the great teacher (like ours here at Vantage) who works with me and brings me up to get that "A" in parenting, and I know it will pay off more and more as our children continue to grow.
Last, but certainly not least, I want to sincerely Thank the Moms here at Vantage (including staff members, and mothers of our students).  Our students wouldn't be the kind, thoughtful, and motivated people they are without Moms like you.  Vantage is a great place to learn and work in part because you care, and are driven to do whatever it takes to help your son or daughter succeed.  Keep up the good work, and enjoy yourselves this weekend (and try to find a little time to do so every day).  You deserve it!  Please make sure you show your Mother how much she's meant to you this weekend (and every other weekend too)!  Happy Mother's Day!

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